Summer Events at Old Stones

Potluck Lunch and Auction

Saturday 23 August, 12 Noon (doors open at 11:30 am)

Auction begins at 2 pm

Port Maitland Fire Hall

Some of the best food in Port Maitland appears on plates at the famous potluck events sponsored by Old Stones. Following lunch there will be an auction of wonderful donated items from members of the community. There will be a draw for the raffle of three great items—tickets are on sale now. All proceeds go to support the preservation and maintenance by Old Stones of three historic cemeteries in Beaver River and Port Maitland—Founders, Free Will Baptist and Calvinist Baptist. Admission Free. Donations Welcome.


Tour of the historic Calvinist Baptist Cemetery in Port Maitland

& older gravestones in the Port Maitland/Beaver River Cemetery

followed by a

Strawberry Social in the Port Maitland Fire Hall

Sunday, 13 July, 2 pm. (Tour); 3:30 pm (Social)

Meet at Calvinist Baptist Cemetery, Highway 1, Port Maitland

(there will be someone there to give parking instructions)


Join Wilfred Allan as he takes you on a tour of the graves of the “residents” in the Calvinist Baptist Cemetery, one of the three historic Beaver River and Port Maitland cemeteries maintained by Old Stones. This will be followed by a tour of graves of some of the people buried in the Old Stones cemeteries who were removed to the newer and still active Port Maitland/Beaver River Cemetery across the street.

Following the tour join us at the Port Maitland Fire Hall for some delicious strawberry shortcake.

Sponsored by Old Stones

Rain or Shine. Admission Free for both events. Donations Welcome.




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