Old Stones on a Radio Blog

Outside My Window – October 2021

The Old Beaver River and Port Maitland Cemeteries Preservation Society was formed in 1999 and has now evolved into the Old Stones Society (oldstones.ca). Gary and I chat with Bill Curry about the history of the sites and what’s next …..It’s all happening Outside My Window !!!
The interview is posted on Facebook, so you’ll need a Facebook account to hear the chat.

Calendar of Events – 2020

Calendar of Events:
Dates for 2019/2020:
Monday 18 November 2019, 7 pm: Board Meeting, Port Maitland Fire Hall
Monday 17 February 2020, 1 pm: Bill Curry Photography Gallery, Port Maitland
Monday 27 April 2020, 7 pm: Annual General Meeting, Port Maitland Fire Hall
Monday 25 May 2020, 7 pm: Board Meeting, Port Maitland Fire Hall
Friday 7 August 2020: Set Up for Port Maitland Heritage Days (all day)
Saturday 8 August 2020: Port Maitland Heritage Day – Dessert Café, Sale and BBQ, – PM Fire Hall
Sunday 9 August 2020 – Cemetery tour – Calvinist and Island Cemetery, 2 pm
Monday 28 September 2020, 7 pm: Board Meeting, Port Maitland Fire Hall
Monday 16 November, 2020 – 7 pm: Board Meeting, Port Maitland Fire Hall

Port Maitland Heritage Day a Success!

What a great day in Port Maitland –
Thanks to all who came and supported the Old Stones efforts. We raised more money than we had hoped for, and all of it will go toward the restoration, preservation and perpetuation of our three historic cemeteries. People seemed to be having a great deal of fun, and the food was simply incredible.
Thanks to all who donated, who supported us and who gave so freely of their time and money.
The community should be proud of an amazing event!
Bill Curry – Chair, Old Stones

2 New Residents for Old Stones!

What a great afternoon! An intrepid crew came out to the Calvinist Cemetery this afternoon and probed for missing stones. Working from a list done in the late 1800’s it had become apparent that we have a dozen or so folks buried in the cemetery that we didn’t have markers for. Sometimes in the past markers have been stolen, but often they just fall over and get covered over, since this cemetery was last active in the 1870’s and was the last to be restored in 2004, it wasn’t surprising that some markers might have been just “lost” to us by toppling. Our team probed the likely areas and discovered two new residents! The write-up is now adjusted for the family of Sarah Goudey, who was a known resident, but now we have the markers for her husband John Wellwood Goudey and their daughter Sarah Adelaide Goudey. It turns out John and his daughter Sarah died almost exactly a month apart in 1865 from typhoid fever, and both markers were found next to Sarah’s existing marker. The photos below show the action as we made the discovery, and the write-up for the family is on Old Stones website. Thanks to all those who came out and helped – and now we get to add information to our database.



Summer Events at Old Stones

Potluck Lunch and Auction

Saturday 23 August, 12 Noon (doors open at 11:30 am)

Auction begins at 2 pm

Port Maitland Fire Hall

Some of the best food in Port Maitland appears on plates at the famous potluck events sponsored by Old Stones. Following lunch there will be an auction of wonderful donated items from members of the community. There will be a draw for the raffle of three great items—tickets are on sale now. All proceeds go to support the preservation and maintenance by Old Stones of three historic cemeteries in Beaver River and Port Maitland—Founders, Free Will Baptist and Calvinist Baptist. Admission Free. Donations Welcome.


Tour of the historic Calvinist Baptist Cemetery in Port Maitland

& older gravestones in the Port Maitland/Beaver River Cemetery

followed by a

Strawberry Social in the Port Maitland Fire Hall

Sunday, 13 July, 2 pm. (Tour); 3:30 pm (Social)

Meet at Calvinist Baptist Cemetery, Highway 1, Port Maitland

(there will be someone there to give parking instructions)


Join Wilfred Allan as he takes you on a tour of the graves of the “residents” in the Calvinist Baptist Cemetery, one of the three historic Beaver River and Port Maitland cemeteries maintained by Old Stones. This will be followed by a tour of graves of some of the people buried in the Old Stones cemeteries who were removed to the newer and still active Port Maitland/Beaver River Cemetery across the street.

Following the tour join us at the Port Maitland Fire Hall for some delicious strawberry shortcake.

Sponsored by Old Stones

Rain or Shine. Admission Free for both events. Donations Welcome.




Auction Items – some real prizes!

We thought that folks might like to see some of the items up for grabs at our amazing auction and pot luck…(click on any image or description to enlarge or get more details)
Information about the auction and pot luck is just below the prizes as well (date, time, etc.)

See you on Saturday the 24th! Doors open at 5pm, dinner at 6pm auction at 7pm !

  1. 2 Adirondack Chairs made by George Snow
  2. Treasure Box made by Alex Blooi
  3. Shadow Box made by Alex Blooi
  4. Framed photo by Bill Curry
  5. One day of painting by John Allan
  6. Canning starter kit
  7. Matted photo by Bill Curry
  8. 2 hours of genealogy assistance by Wilfred Allan
  9. Framed photo by Peter Boudreau
  10. Framed Sampler made by Susan Deveau
  11. 2 18 hole golf rounds & hats
  12. Ship research by Eric Ruff
  13. Surprise box
  14. 2 hours of yard work by John Grant
  15. 2 hours of gardening by Ruth Kirk
  16. Bar B Q
  17. Landscape Painting, painter unknown
  18. Wooden box for cranberry shaker
  19. Stereo speakers—were over $1,000 new
  20. Cranberry shipping box made into bread box
  21. Wicker Picnic Basket
  22. 2 Port Maitland Calendars by Phyllis Jayne
  23. Matted photo by Gerry Curry
  24. Nova Scotia Flag from Zach Churchill
  25. 3 course meal for 2 from Sebastian’s catering
  26. One Hour Guitar Music – Graham Benvie
  27. $25 gift certificate to Hidden Treasures
  28. Birthday Party with Sassy the Clown
  29. Collection of Logo Hats – George’s Truck and Tractor
  30. Wrought iron candle holder
  31. Remington Electric Razor
  32. Antique Fish Shipping Box – Peter Croxall

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QR code project brings three 1800’s cemeteries into the 21st century!


In 1999, the three cemeteries in Beaver River and Port Maitland, Nova Scotia, Canada lay hidden by alders and other brush that stood over 8 feet tall, rendering the cemeteries as almost forgotten. In that year, a community group was formed, under the leadership of the late Rev. Ulric Dawson, dedicated to the restoration and maintenance of the cemeteries. Recently, the group has expanded its efforts to educating people about the importance of these three historic places. With the assistance of a group of grade 4 students from Port Maitland Elementary School, the Old Stones Society has mapped the three cemeteries using GPS technology, and has created unique QR codes leading users to a website the Society has created.

The over 130 “residents” of the three old cemeteries are mainly descendants of the early founders of Yarmouth County, tracing their family history to Yarmouth township’s beginnings in 1761. As well, more than half of the residents can name at least one passenger on the Mayflower as an ancestor, and almost as many can trace their lineage back to the very earliest English speaking settlers of Nova Scotia. The Old Stones website (www.oldstones.ca) is bound to become a favorite with genealogists and history students alike as the society continues to add information about these earliest families of the area. The project undertaken with the help of the grade 4 students, has resulted in small red-gray bricks being placed in front of every grave marker – and every brick has fixed on it a QR code, a small postage stamp sized graphic which, when read with a smart phone or other Internet enabled device, leads the user to the individual profile for the person who is buried near the brick. While QR code technology is now being used on modern monuments, and can occasionally be seen in historic places to mark certain persons or events of importance, this may be the first time entire cemeteries have been linked by QR technology to an extensive website profiling every single person, and containing information about the area and its history. The students also created a map, accurate to within 3 feet, of the gravesites in the cemeteries which is online at the society’s website.

The Old Stones Society has news, minutes and other information on its website, and hosts events such as strawberry socials and cemetery tours on an annual basis. The society is looking forward to continuing the project – to continuing the maintenance and restoration of the cemeteries and to make more and more people aware of the importance of these three unique places and the history of the people who were buried there.

(Top photo by Bill Curry Photography, bottom photo by Debbie Roberts)
May 21 2013 Bill Curry pics Baptist Cemetery 274
There is a whole slideshow of the Grade 4’s helping out here!